Meet the
How We Began
When Adele and Richard Dabrowski visited Mozambique for the first time in 2011,they became aware of the great needs of the local community, one of the poorest in Africa. Adele used her experience of teaching English to help some of the students in the last year at the local school to improve their English.
This enabled a handful of school leavers to eventually find employment in the few local hotels and restaurants. However, a year after finishing school, the vast majority of the ex-students were unemployed and totally despaired of ever finding gainful work! Some of them desperately wanted to continue with their studies and had the academic capacity to do so.But to go to University or even further education college was a just a pipe dream! Even to have financed the cost of their secondary schooling was a great effort for the family.
And yet, the irony is that there is a great shortage of professionals and qualified tradespeople in the area. Those who qualify are never short of work. Then they in turn can help their community.
These ambitious young people, aiming to rise out of the poverty trap and to eventually assist their families, were not being given the chance to do so. In 2017 Adele contacted some people who like her, felt that this was a great shame As a result PAVE was born and in 2018 it achieved recognised status as a registered UK charity.


After many years as a community pharmacist, Richard retired in 2010. He then attended International Bible Institute of London where he graduated with the Higher Diploma of Christian Studies. In 2012 he acquired a CELTA qualification in order to enable him to help with the English language teaching in Mozambique.
As the son of Polish immigrants to the UK, Richard appreciates having received the opportunity of further education and would very much like African young men and women to benefit as he did, thus enabling them to assist their family.
Richard Dabrowski

Adele Dabrowski
Adele is the chairperson and has a B.Sc Honours degree in Sociology. She has long been interested in other cultures and lifestyles. She qualified in CELTA and CCI and taught English as a second language for many years to UK immigrants in London.
In January 2013 she started teaching in Mozambique, developing a school leavers study programme to improve their English, and subsequent chances of employment.
Adele has a passion for seeing young people realising their dreams through education and developing the fullness of their God-given talents.

Richard Tootill
Richard joined the board of trustees in January 2022 and took on the role of treasurer shortly after.
He has had an interest in missions since his uncle and aunt were missionaries in Thailand from 1956 to 1991, and he and his wife Elisabeth visited them in the 80s.
Richard was part of the Leadership Team of Kensington Temple, London, for over 25 years, and is now treasurer of his local church. He has also assisted a number of other small charities and ministries with finances.
He is pleased to be involved in PAVE to facilitate the support of students in Mozambique to obtain further education when their families are not in a position to finance their courses.

Andrea Towers
Andrea has a BA (Hons) in Media Arts and a Masters in Mission and Development.
She has a vast experience of working in ministry with young adults, men and women, within the church and the wider community, helping individuals to access training and education.
She graduated in 2017 with a Masters in Mission and Development which she continues to be passionate about. Alongside being a Trustee for PAVE she works with other development NGO’s and supports missionaries and individuals on the field.
For four years Andrea worked on the ground as a missionary in Pemba, Mozambique helping students gain access to scholarships, and she continues to carry this passion to see young adults flourish through further education. Andrea is currently employed by a UK charity.

Edna Castellino
During Brian’s long ministry he pastored three churches and served as Evangelistic Director, and Regional Superintendent for the Elim Pentecostal church.
He has spoken at conferences worldwide and authored four books.
Brian and his wife Vanessa launched ‘Liberation Ministries’ in 1999, a ministry that at its heart works to see God’s people liberated to reach their full potential in Christ.
Both Brian and his wife have been accredited Elim Ministers for over 25 years.
Rev. Brian Richardson
Brian Richardson
Our helpers on the ground – without whom it would be very difficult to monitor the students’ progress and the expenditure!
These volunteers offer their assistance to PAVE on a totally voluntary basis.
They both love children and especially African children and young people.
They are a great asset to PAVE and we thank God for their valuable assistance.
Janaina was born in Brazil and is married to Aurelio, the Director of a local school in Pemba of over 3,500 pupils.
In 2013 she and her husband arrived as missionaries to work for the school, which is
run by a large Christian charity. She is a qualified social worker and the official school social worker.
As such she works very closely with all the students and knows many of them personally. She has a great desire to see young Mozambican men and women fulfil their destiny and bring about Godly change in their community.
She deals directly with the universities and manages the ongoing monthly students accounts, ensuring that she has receipts for everything!
Janaina Carvalho Ritsuri

Edna Castellino
Edna Castellino

Edna Castellino was born in Daman, India and then moved to Goa when she was 2 years old. When she got married, she and her husband went to Mumbai India where she taught in one of the Catholic schools till she came to London in 2018.
She has since returned to India and is serving PAVE from there.
Edna says that she didn't think
twice about being part of Pave as "I love helping people and it was for a very good cause".
Edna's role is Student Liaison Officer and she is able to use her fluency in Portuguese to communicate with the
students, keeping up with the progress in their studies, and their wellbeing and then reporting this back to the Trustees and sponsors.